Welcome to my new world!
Welcome to my new website! I’m excited to show a new face to the web world.
If this is your first visit to my site, let me give you a bit of background. More autobiographical information may be found on my About page.
Like so many other aspiring authors, not only did I think I could write the Great American Romance Novel, I was sure of it. That it was rejected from publishers and agents alike bumped my ego, but I persevered. When I leaned about professional organizations, such as the Romance Writers of America and local chapters such as Dallas Area Romance Authors (both of which I belong to), my career in writing turned around to head in a better direction. As in, there was so much to learn about the art and business of writing and publishing!
Of course, the stars realigned with the advent of the Internet. Gradually, self-publishing gained the cachet it needed to compete. Readers and writers had their eyes opened to possibilities unknown when I first put my fingers on the computer keyboard twenty years ago.
I have eleven self-published novels. Nine of them had been published by an early e-publisher, but I asked for and received my rights back. I reworked and shortened, edited and had professionally edited, them. I have new covers and new avenues of reaching a readership: Amazon Kindle, Apple iBooks, Barnes & Noble Nook.
I’ve also had four short romances published in Woman’s World Magazine. What a thrill that has been! And what a learning experience. Putting a romance in 800 words? It’s done 52 weeks a year in the magazine and four of them since 2013 have been mine!
Romance writing has broadened my horizons and, I think, the horizons of those around me. My husband joins me at national conferences and meets my online friends and their spouses. The next thing I know the guys are out golfing. I helped organize a local romance readers group and we’ve traveled to book signings and romance reader conferences. Through the graciousness of my fellow authors, I’m able to sponsor a biennial romance day at my local library where fifty or more readers get to meet and talk to a dozen published romance authors.
This blog, like the one before it, Sisker’s Lair and linked to in the side column, will deal with anything which interests me, from shopping to my reindeer collection to travel to, of course, writing romance.
So, once again, welcome. May reading romance open your eyes to possibilities, just as writing such has done so for me.